Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Street Art & Window Shopping

Make Us Proud - NZOC Olympic Campaign

NZOC Olympic campaign launch for the London Olympic Games - Make Us Proud - moments that make us proud to be Kiwis.... here's one from me...

David Lange's Oxford Union Speech - March 1985 / ... and a more recent piece by Tiki Tane:

Spiral Joy

Love this material palette... & the spiral stair beyond (source: unknown)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Autumn Textures

One of our most treasured rituals is a morning walk in Western Park with Eddie followed by a coffee in the courtyard at the local Cafe - a real little community & a great way to start the day.... at the moment we are experiencing this beautiful autumn light - the texture & shadows on the neighbouring wall (above) is rekindling my love of concrete as a material...

... the aging of the material is only crafted over time... the weathering of the carpark walls in the background of this image..

the colours of an in-situ wall found in a carpark in New Plymouth....

... and the combinations of stone, concrete, greenery (the natural) against the clarity of glass, white walls & strong geometric lines....

... the stunning balance of textures in Eduardo Souta de Moura's work - magic, one would imagine with the changing of the seasons

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Off the blog... The Bulwagan Foundation Trust

The Bulwagan Foundation Trust is a cause to celebrate humanity... they are embarking on a quest to develop a centre, a "hall" ('Bulwagan') - a community facility in Wellington for Filipinos in NZ

... architecture as a vehicle to bring people across cultures together - good luck for the project!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ponsonby's Orlando??

we ran into this sculptural moment one morning walking in Western Park (itself a mid-19th century distinguished open space).... & immediately thought of Sally Potter's adaptation of Virginia Woolf's Orlando - the scene where Tilda Swinton (Orlando) rides into post-modernist England on the motorbike & sidecar with her daughter/  everything shaped in white, evidencing form & stark drapery of that era

we await the moment of unveiling for this plastic cover & what it will poetically tell us about the future....

Saw Bums - Cycle Rail Adventure!

... saw many on the Trail.... we're just back from the Otago Rail Trail... brilliant landscape over the turn of autumn - vibrant crisp textures & colours; fresh air; fresh apples from wild trees; family & friends/  you can understand how those from this area are inspired & passionate about preserving the environment down here/  we are truly spoilt in this country.... get out & experience it if you can!!!

... and finished with the Taieri Gorge Train back into Dunedin for the wonderful local cuisine at Nova Cafe in the heart of the Octagon...

Design Daily Debut!

Design Daily enthusiastically picked up on the architecture-sport-community theme that was swirling around my head.... a daily news e-resource for NZ designers and architects, Design Daily meshes all sorts of goodies that cause us to question & think about what we are doing - got to be good!!

Here's the link to Design Daily

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Papatoetoe Sports Centre, Auckland, New Zealand

The Papatoetoe Sports Centre project was finally delivered earlier this month - hooray!

A great accomplishment for all involved - most particularly the clubs who had the wisdom & vision for the sports facility. Great to see architecture being able to connect the community, sports and high performance. Attached are some images from Studio106Photo. Although no longer with Hillery Priest Architecture, I'll continue to drive for the design of facilities that inspire in collaboration with others.  Enjoy!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Re-Building Our Communities

What is our investment to inspire and what is the long-term outcome for it?

Building anything requires investment. Building communities requires compassion. Building national facilities requires commitment. Building community facilities requires engagement, local hearts & soul, public money and more often than not, an event to create a catalyst or stimulus… And consultation

Eden Park. Dunedin’s Forsyth Barr Stadium. AMI Stadium. The re-developments of QEII Park and Millennium Institute of Sport and Health. The Ashburton Indoor Sports and Aquatic Centre. The Papatoetoe Sports Centre

The Rugby World Cup 2011 is closing on us and the London Olympics are around the corner – how do we translate these investment opportunities into tangible, accessible community assets?

The Christchurch earthquake and Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear events have re-focussed our reflection on what is important – community, support values, scale & strength of individuals but also local group characteristics. The NZ mucking-in approach

These events will allow us the opportunity to re-stock and re-build our facilities. The debate has already ignited many interest groups. The last major event for investment for Christchurch was the 1974 Commonwealth Games. Re-assessing our stadia, infrastructure, training, community and high performance venues are important components to our community. In the initial phases, they rate well below reinstating the simple things - power, water, amenities, shelter. In the medium- to long-term they provide a focal point for the re-gathering and re-connecting of people outside the home

The question will be around “once our homes and streets are mended, where is the next investment benefit that will maximize the bringing together and add to the harmony of the community?”. I believe it should be our multi-sport and performance community facilities

Facilities such as Community Multi-sport Facilities; Multi-use Indoor Events Centres; Performing Arts Centres

They offer:
·       The ability to connect & add a focal point to existing green space areas
·       Provide focus & links to our schools & education areas as they look to re-build & re-establish;
·       The opportunity to top-down invest to raise a community facility into a multi-use facility with the capability to undertake high performance activities;
·       The opportunity to create sports & recreation hubs & precincts for the community that encourages youth activity;
·       Facilities to allow traditionally non-similar interest groups to connect & better share experiences & be exposed to other leisure activities
·       The opportunity for creative & artistic groups to access better technology & performing environments
·       Allow for more effective co-ordination & planning for local community events: sporting, cultural and performance-based, at a time when resourcing is scarce;
·       The opportunity for National, Regional & local Council as well as community stakeholders to invest in a legacy project that will be available to the community into the future
·       Provide for more sustainable design solutions: solar technologies; structural innovations; orientation design; user-dialogue or interaction facilitation
·       Provide a catalyst for partner-clubs and groups to assemble & co-operate for a larger vision
·       Establish a process from a line-in-the-sand towards the future vision
·       A better opportunity to leverage into a greater capital pool to create the facility

Christchurch has reportedly $30million available from the Red Cross Earthquake Commission for hardship & bereavement; $20million for schools and child care education centres; $7.5million to Community Response Fund for helping community groups move; $10million to the Heritage Building Fund – these funds are required to return to the status quo

There will be a large number of aging local facilities that have sustained damage as a result of the earthquake. What is the funding for these? The Papatoetoe Sports Centre and many other successful small community centres, where the town has really got it together and the facility is humming, provide a snippet for how to regenerate the local community through architecture

Many funding agencies will have already committed large investment plans into community facilities of varying scale. Let’s review these with the aim of determining where investment can be maximized – sort of a re-drafting of a Local Community Facilities Plan and Strategy

Friday, March 11, 2011

Artistic Collaboration for Communities

Collaborating to create sustainable community environments is extremely powerful/ I think it is something we do already.... so how can we make this stronger, more effective & more engaging??? 

Community, facilities, partnership, photography & architecture - wouldn't it be brilliant to pull those four contributors together to activate our buildings

You will have seen the TED 2011 Prize winner, artist/photographer JR's wish to transform personal identity into artistic work....  

What an exciting proposition for architects and their clients donate their whole buildings as a canvas for issues important to their local community?  It's not just a single wall, roof or floor... a whole building that the community cares about and can present to express issues near to them as a limited-time exhibition

It could be an amazing, powerful, global contribution we could make....

Thursday, January 20, 2011